Under Italy’s latest emergency decree, the Italian goverment tightened the coronavirus rules for the fourth time in three weeks in response to the country’s worsening coronavirus situation.
As well as introducing a nationwide curfew, the government announced a new national three-tier framework which means certain rules now differ based on where you are in Italy.
So many of Italy’s Covid-19 rules are different from region to region. As well as their official websites, several regions have created dedicated coronavirus portals where you can find daily case numbers as well as the ordinances that declare the local prevention measures in place.
Each region provides regular updates on the rule changes via their social media, and almost all of them have a Covid-19 phone line where you should be able to speak to an operator in English.

Below you’ll find resources for our favorites: Umbria & Tuscany.
-Official coronavirus updates for Umbria
-Daily case numbers
-Latest regional ordinances
-Umbria region on Facebook and Twitter
-Regional coronavirus helpline: 800 63 63 63
-Official coronavirus updates for Tuscany
-Daily case numbers
-Latest regional ordinances
-Tuscany region on Facebook and Twitter
-Regional coronavirus helpline: 055 438 5850
For non-emergency information and assistance anywhere in Italy, you can also call the national, 24/7 coronavirus helpline on 1500.
See also the Italian health ministry’s website for more information on the current public health measures.
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I remain at your complete disposal to answer any query you may have and which is not covered in this newsletter.
Myself and the Le Torri di Bagnara Castles Staff look forward to welcoming you to Umbria, the green heart of Italy.
Yours Sincerely,
