Have you heard the great news? Covid restrictions are finally easing off in Europe and from February 1st, it will be easier to travel around the EU.
This means that, Europeans eager to travel to Italy, will no longer require a test to enter the Country, if fully vaccinated.
However, as Omicron spreads fast through Europe, Italy has put in place a few measures to contain the pandemic and provide a safe environment for its citizens and international visitors.
We have navigated the new rules for you and prepared a quick CHECKLIST to help you plan your trip to Italy.

** IF YOU ARE COMING FROM THE EU (including Switzerland, Norway, Principality of Monaco) and have stayed or spent the past 14 days in EU Countries, the so-called List C:
-fill in the digital passenger locator form: https://app.euplf.eu/#/
-provide a valid EU Digital Covid Certificate (fully vaccinated or recovered)
Which vaccines are recognised?
– Comirnaty by Pfizer-BioNtech
– Moderna
– Vaxzevria (Astra Zeneca)
– Janssen (Johnson & Johnson)Nuvaxovid (Novavax)
-Covishield licensed by Astra Zeneca
-R-CoVI licensed by Astra Zeneca
-Fiocruz, licensed by Astra Zeneca
What if I am not vaccinated?
You can enter Italy undergoing a compulsory fiduciary isolation (5 days).
Fiduciary isolation is compulsory only for those who enter Italy without having presented a valid certificate of vaccination or recovery.
What do I need to present if I am not vaccinated?
-fill in the Passenger Locator Form before entering Italy: https://app.euplf.eu/#/
-undergo a molecular swab carried out within 48 hours prior to entry into Italy and the result of which is negative, or an antigenic swab carried out within 24 hours prior to entry into Italy and the result of which is negative
-undergo a 5-day fiduciary isolation at the address indicated in the Passenger Locator Form
– undergo an additional molecular or antigenic swab at the end of the 5-day fiduciary isolation period.

** IF YOU ARE COMING FROM AUSTRALIA, CANADA, UNITED KINGDOM, UNITED STATES, UAE, HK and have stayed or spent the past 14 days in these countries (so-called List D):
-fill out the Passenger Locator Form: https://app.euplf.eu/#/
-undergo a molecular swab carried out within 72 hours prior to entry into Italy and the result of which is negative, or an antigenic test carried out within 24 hours prior to entry into Italy, the result of which is negative. In the case of arrivals from the UK and Northern Ireland and British Isles, the molecular swab must be taken in the 48 hours prior to entering Italy
_present the COVID-19 Green Certificate, or equivalent certificate, certifying the completion of the vaccination cycle. Persons who have stayed in or passed through Canada, Japan and the United States of America in the fourteen days prior to their entry into Italy, can also show a COVID-19 Green Certificate certifying recovery or a certificate issued by the competent health authorities certifying recovery.
What if I am not vaccinated?
You can enter Italy undergoing compulsory self- isolation (5 days).
Isolation is compulsory only for those who enter Italy without having presented at the same time both the swab and the valid certificate of vaccination or recovery.
What do I need to present?
-fill in the Passenger Locator Form before entering Italy: https://app.euplf.eu/#/
-undergo a molecular swab carried out within 72 hours prior to entry into Italy and the result of which is negative, or an antigenic test carried out within 24 hours prior to entry into Italy, the result of which is negative. In the case of arrivals from the UK and Northern Ireland and British Isles, the molecular swab must be taken in the 48 hours prior to entering Italy
-notify the Prevention Department of the local health authority of their entry to Italy
-travel to their final destination in Italy by private transport only
-remain in self-isolation at the address indicated on the Passenger Locator Form for a total of 5 days
-take another molecular or antigen swab test at the end of the 5 days in self-isolation.

Which masks do I need to wear?
Obligation to wear FFP2 type masks:
-on international flights flights, whether they have Italy as their destination or depart from Italy
-on public transport on Italian territory including trains, ships, airplanes _theatre, events, concerts, cinemas , live music events both indoors and outdoors
-ski slopes
Elsewhere a medical mask is required.
Please note: masks must be work also outdoors until January 31st 2022.
What do you mean with Green Certificate or Green Pass?
Certificates issued by the health authorities of Canada, Japan, Israel, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (including Gibraltar, the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands and British bases on the island of Cyprus) and the United States are equivalent to those of the European Union for access to businesses, services and transport in Italy . They can be presented on paper or digitally,
What types of Passes are used in Italy?
Green Pass Base (Basic Green Pass): obtainable if fully vaccinated, fully recovered or with a negative test (lateral flow text not older than 48 hours or PCR)
Green Pass Rafforzato (Super Green Pass or Reinforced Green Pass): obtainable if fully vaccinated or fully recovered only.
Green Pass Booster: obtainable if fully vaccinated plus a booster shot.
Kids under 12 years old are exempt from using a Green Pass.
What type of Pass do I need to access where?
-Public transport (bus, train) – REINFORCED GREEN PASS
-Planes: National flights only – REINFORCED GREEN PASS
-Bar or Restaurants (indoor or outdoor): REINFORCED GREEN PASS
-Sports outdoors: NO GREEN PASS REQUIRED
-Spa, wellness centres or fun fairs: REINFORCED GREEN PASS
-Cinema, theatre, museum, event venues, conferences, parties indoors: REINFORCED GEEEN PASS
-Wedding ceremonies: all 3 GREEN GREEN PASSES ACCEPTED
-Wedding parties indoors: REINFORCED GREEN PASS
As the Italian Government periodically issues new or modified legislations, we invite you to regularly keep up to date before you make any plans to travel to Italy.
Some useful official website:
Italian Department of Health (in English)
EU Digital Covid Certificate – FAQ (in Italian)
Italian Department of Foreign Affairs (in Italian)
Italy has reopened to foreign travellers and we can’t wait to welcome you back to Umbria, Italy’s green heart! Take advantage of our Seasonal offer and start planning your family and friends villa vacation in Italy.
During these unprecedented times, private villa holidays remain one of the safest ways to travel, reducing exposure to additional guests outside of your party and ensuring the utmost in cleanliness and hygiene standards.
Book now, travel soon, dream always!
With love,

Le Torri di Bagnara Castles