Thanksgiving Day is an important national holiday, celebrated annually in the United States on the fourth Thursday of November. A day of the year for Americans to focus on gratitude and thankfulness.
After such a long and trying year, Thanksgiving is going to look and feel different this time round. And not just for Americans. The rest of the world is enduring one of the toughest challenges ever experienced.
As Covid-19 continues to impact lives on a global scale, the safest way to celebrate the Holiday Season will be at home with the people you live with; the risk of contracting the virus or spreading it by congregating in groups or even traditional holiday parties is right now too great. Travel may increase your chance of getting and spreading COVID-19, so postponing travel and staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others this year.It is disappointing, but let’s get through this, so we can celebrate many, many more celebrations.

But, what about “expressing gratitude and giving thanks” in this hard moment of our lives?
“You have permission to not be thankful this Thanksgiving”, said author Allison Hope. “We’ve all heard from any number of self-help research and books and podcasts and gurus that gratitude is a necessary embodiment to help us live fulfilling lives. But the truth is, sometimes gratitude just isn’t possible.”
“Just because it’s different doesn’t mean we don’t have an endless supply of things to be thankful for” US’s #1 life and business strategist Tony Robbins said, “and this time of year, more than any other, many of us ask ourselves, “What am I grateful for?” or, how about, “What could I be grateful for? You cannot be fearful and grateful at the same time. You cannot be angry and grateful at the same time. Gratitude is the antidote. When gratitude appears fear and anger disappear.”
Studies show that when we express gratitude, it raises our happiness by 25%. It’s simple science; whatever we focus on expands.

We believe, as we approach the holiday season through a pandemic, uncertainty, and human depravity, we can still be open, in a gentle way, to noticing what is good in our lives, what or who is holding our hands, a child’s smile, a poem, someone’s love, pets, delicious food, the dream of travelling, perhaps a spiritual journey. We can allow appreciation for whatever beauty we may still see, even in the face of adversity, and if not, accept that at this moment, it is enough to be where you are.
Things will improve and there will be new exciting trips, extended family hugs, old friends in town visiting and reminiscing over a tall cold one, spontaneous moments featuring new characters, laughter and happyness.
Sending you my warm wishes for a very Happy Thanksgiving. May this day be a beautiful reminder of the wonderful things in life we still have.
With Love,